Spiral mode is not available
EAGLE VF-2 (#3-#4)
Spiral mode is not available
Spool size
Outer diameter part A 95 mm
Width B 28 mm
Inner diameter C 66 mm
Width D 20 mm
Weight 195g
* # 5 line uses a fine backing line
* Users cannot change right-handed or left-handed.
Body color navy blue
Price 70,000JPY
Spare spool
Price 45,000JPY

EAGLE VF-3(#5-#7)
Spiral mode is not available
Spool size
Outer diameter part A 95 mm
Width B 28 mm
Inner diameter C 56 mm
Width D 17 mm
Weight 196g
* # 8 line uses a fine backing line
* Users cannot change right-handed or left-handed.
Body color navy blue
Price 70,000JPY
Spare spool
Price 45,000JPY

No spin mode.
Left wind, Right wind unchangeable.

Spool replacement can be done simply by loosening the front drag.
Since the main body size is the same for VF-2 and VF-3, the spools are compatible with each other and can be attached to either.
The main body is an in-spool type.
It is a model equipped with a recoil thruster without a deformation mechanism.
EAGLE VF-2 VF-3 Drag knob color Please select from 3 colors.
red green blue
